• ფორმულა 1: გრან პრი 2019

    2019 წლის ფორმულა ერთის გრან პრი სარბოლო სესიებით

  • ავტომობილის თვითდიაგნოსტიკის ფუნქცია

    თანამედროვე და, მით უმეტეს, მომავლის „ჭკვიანი ავტომობილის“ ტექნიკური სისტემის მართვა წარმოუდგენელია მისი შემადგენელი მექანიზმებისა და მოწყობილობების მუშაობის მუდმივი (თვით)დიაგნოსტიკის გარეშე. ეს აუცილებელია, რათა მართვის სისტემამ დროულად მოახდინოს რეაგირება სისტემაში მომხდარ არასტანდარტულ მოვლენებზე და ეცადოს, თავად აღმოფხვრას იგი; ან ოპერატიულად გააფრთხილოს მძღოლი უწესივრობების შესახებ; ან (უკიდურეს შემთხვევაში) დაიმახსოვროს ისინი, რათა მოთხოვნისთანავე მიაწოდოს მათ შესახებ ინფორმაცია სერვისის თანამშრომელს (ან მძღოლს).

  • Sir Vival - ექსპერიმენტალური უსაფრთხო ავტომობილი შორეული წარსულიდან

    არსებობენ ავტომობილები, რომლებიც ხანდახან დროს უსწრებენ: ტექნოლოგიით, ვიზუალით თუ ა.შ. უშუალოდ კი ეს ერთგვარი "მუშტაიდის საბავშვო მანქანა" სინამდვილეში 1958 წლის Sir Vival-ია. რომელიც ვოლტერ ჯერომის შთაგონებთი მისია იყო შეექმნა მსოფლიოში ყველაზე დაცული ავტომობილი. პროექტი 10 წელი გაგრძელდა. საბოლოო ჯამში, მას მართალია დასახული მიზანი ბოლომდე ვერ გამოუვიდა მაგრამ მისმა ქმნილებამ მსოფლოში ყველაზე უცნაური ავტომობილის ტიტული მაინც დაიმსახურა. რეალურად, იგი ერთ-ერთი პირველი ავტომობილია 1957 წლის Aurora-სთან ერთად რომელიც ექსპერიმენტალურ უსაფრთხო ავტომობილად შეიქმნა.

  • საავტომობილო შიგაწვის ძრავები

    საავტომობილო ტრანსპორტში დღეისთვის გამოყენებულია ნავთობური წარმოშობის თხევად საწვავზე (ან აირად საწვავზე) მომუშავე შიგაწვის ძრავები. აღნიშნული ენერგეტიკული დანადგარის დანიშნულებაა ნავთობური წარმოშობის საწვავის წვის შედეგად მიღებული ქიმიური ენერგია გარდაქმნას მექანიკურ ენერგიად.

  • რა არის Top fuel და რით განსხვავდება ბენზინისაგან

    თუკი გნებავთ შექმნათ მაღალი სიძლიერის მქონე 4 ტაქტიანი (Stroke) ძრავა, არსებობს რამოდენიმე მეთოდი მის მისაღწევად. პირველი: გავზარდოთ ტაქტი. მეორე: დავაყენოთ ტურბინა/სუპერჩარჯერი. მესამე და ბოლო: შევცვალოთ ბენზინი სხვა უფრო ენერგეტიკული საწვავით. ხოლო რაც შეეხება Top fuel დრაგსტერებს, სამივეს ერთიანად აკეთებენ.


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Why You Still Shouldn't Panic About Car Hacking

Security researchers have figured out how to wirelessly hack into a car and take over its controls from anywhere in the world. But you're probably still safe.

This week, Wired published a fantastic and unsettling report on the current state of automotive hacking. Senior Writer Andy Greenberg ​put himself at the mercy of two digital security researchers as they wirelessly took over control of the Jeep Cherokee he was driving, messing with the car's climate control, stereo, windshield wipers, and eventually stalling the engine. Greenberg was left helpless, coasting nearly to a stop in the right lane of a busy highway as traffic scrambled to avoid him. 

The Wired report is the most credible evidence yet that our increasingly tech-laden vehicles are ripe for hacking, with scanty security measures and an astounding lack of automaker foresight providing avenues for hackers to gain control of a car's functions from anywhere in the world. Whereas previous car hacking stories contained some pretty big caveats—like the fact that evildoers would need todisassemble a car's dashboard and physically plug in a laptop to take over the vehicle's controls—the Jeep that Greenberg was driving was unmodified from how it left the factory. And the researchers who took over its controls were 10 miles away.

That, frankly, is terrifying. Greenberg's article in Wired is nuanced and even-handed, and he carefully and purposefully avoids fearful exaggeration, but the evidence he so thoroughly presents is deeply troubling. It set off a frenzy in the automotive press, and rightly so.
But you probably don't need to panic. And here's why.

The Methodology Is Sound

Greenberg's terrifying hacker roller coaster ride was carried out by Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek, a duo that's been doggedly poking at holes in modern cars' computer systems for years. Miller and Valasek are the team behind most of the "car hacking" news stories of the past few years. In 2013, they took Greenberg (then writing for Forbes) for a thrill ride in a Toyota Prius and a Ford Escape, both wired with laptops in the back seat to take over the driver's controls. Last year, Miller, a security researcher at Twitter, and Valasek, a director at digital security firm IOActive, published a white paper naming what they thought were the most hackable new cars on the U.S. market. Not surprisingly, their number-one hackable car, the 2014 Jeep Cherokee, is the car of choice in this experiment. 
Miller and Valasek's latest and most frightening exploit is completely wireless. Thanks to a vulnerability in Fiat Chrysler's Uconnect dashboard infotainment system, which offers in-car WiFi through Sprint's cellular network, a smartphone connected to Miller's laptop lets him look around the cellular network for Uconnect-equipped vehicles. Using software he and Valasek designed, Miller can see a vulnerable car's vehicle identification number, make, model, and IP address, along with its GPS location, in real-time. Once they've found a target vehicle, Miller and Valasek can worm their way into the entertainment system's firmware, implanting malicious code they designed that can transmit commands to any system connected to the car's network of computers—including the devices that control the car's steering, brakes, and engine and transmission.
Miller and Valasek say that Uconnect systems installed from late 2013 through early 2015 are vulnerable, and while they've only tried their remote-takeover techniques on their own Jeep Cherokee, they estimate that nearly 500,000 vehicles carry the compromised system. FCA issued a statement in response detailing which models of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram vehicles are affected. 
But while the Wired video that goes alongside Greenberg's Wired piece makes the hacking process look astoundingly simple—just two dudes on a couch, tapping away at their laptops, wreaking havoc on a Jeep on a highway 10 miles away—it was a long and arduous road that led up to that scene. And that's good news for drivers of potentially-vulnerable Uconnect-equipped vehicles. 

The Good Guys

Miller and Valasek's methodology is a marathon, not a sprint. After first finding the one small vulnerability point that allows them to tap into a Uconnect-equipped car's electronics, it took the duo months of arduous coding to develop the code that lets them rewrite the firmware and take over the car's driving controls. And every step of the way, Miller and Valasek have gone about this the ethical way.
The slightly unsettling aspect of all this is that Miller and Valasek plan to publish their findings online, in conjunction with a talk they're giving at the Black Hat digital security conference next month. In fact, that's the best tool to protect us from the dystopian horror of a future of hackable cars. 
Greenberg points out that Miller and Valasek have been sharing their findings with Chrysler for nearly nine months, allowing the automaker to devise a software update that closes the loophole that allowed the hackers entry in the first place. FCA notified affected owners on July 16th, though they did not acknowledge the hacking duo that discovered it. You can see FCA's list of affected vehicles, and download the patch to update your Uconnect-equipped car, right here. By the time the digital security community learns the details of Miller and Valasek's exploit, the fix to prevent it will be widely available, thanks to the hackers' cooperation with FCA.
Secondly, the car-hacking duo is only revealing a small portion of their findings. They won't publish the code that gives them  access to the car's engine and braking controls; neither will they identify the (now-patched) vulnerability that let them in. 
In other words, armed with Miller and Valasek's published findings, a malicious hacker would still need to figure out how to hack into a Uconnect-equipped vehicle, and reverse-engineer the code that allows control of the vehicle, two tasks that took months for these expert-level security hackers. Additionally, Miller and Valasek's method requires them to know the IP address of the car they're trying to hack; as Jason Torchinsky at Jalopnik points out, that drops the likelihood of a hacker targeting one specific vehicle down to near-zero. 
Why publish anything, though? Greenberg explains
The two researchers say that even if their code makes it easier for malicious hackers to attack unpatched Jeeps, the release is nonetheless warranted because it allows their work to be proven through peer review. It also sends a message: Automakers need to be held accountable for their vehicles' digital security. "If consumers don't realize this is an issue, they should, and they should start complaining to carmakers," Miller says. "This might be the kind of software bug most likely to kill someone."​

​Help Is On the Way

Simply by virtue of making their findings public, Miller and Valasek helped kick off a fix that will eliminate the vulnerability that made their hack possible. FCA says it has rectified the loophole that allowed the hack in its 2015 models, and released a software update to close the vulnerability in 2013 and 2014 vehicles. When Miller and Valasek publish and discuss their findings at Black Hat, they'll be giving out an incomplete recipe that hinges on a software flaw that has since been patched. And the work of hackers like Miller, Valasek, and others is finally bringing the right kind of attention to the subject: On the same day that Greenberg published his Wired article, Senators Ed Markey and Richard Blumenthal introduced new legislation creating the first-ever automotive cybersecurity standards, which would require greater security measures to prevent malicious code from jumping from infotainment systems to vehicle controls, and establish real-time monitoring to "immediately detect, report, and stop" hacking attempts. 
And as more and more cars get the capability to receive over-the-air software updates, manufacturers will be able to more quickly and efficiently patch vulnerabilities like the one that let Miller and Valasek hack into their Cherokee. That day is coming—Ford and Tesla already have systems capable of automatic over-the-air software updates, and more will soon follow.
So, should you be scared? That's up to you. Is there a hacker out there who knows your Chrysler vehicle's IP address, possesses masters-level computing skills, and has months to devote to reverse-engineering a way to take over your car? If you're not some kind of international spy, the answer is probably "no." 
                                                                     Source: Road and Track

Ford Caspi Concept Envisions the Future of the Wagon

The station wagon used to be an American institution. In fact, for many Americans it was practically a member of the family. But over time, the designs grew weary, the innovation became lackluster, and the wagon gave way to the minivan, the SUV, and eventually, the crossover. 
While that’s a shame, the storied wagon isn’t fully in the ground yet, and this stunning concept penned by Samir Sadikhov proves it still has a place in the world…long into the 21st century.
Meet Sadikhov’s Ford Caspi Concept. He describes the sleek two-door shooting brake as an “Advanced Sport Wagon” and it can be said that there’s nothing quite like it on the road today. At least, there hasn’t been in years.
In his description, Sadikhov notes a key flaw of many designs–a lack of longevity. “Good design always avoids being fashionable, and therefore never appears antiquated.”
As such, his Ford Caspi Concept draws inspiration from timeless, clean-lined furniture, architecture, and automotive design with American and European tastes. Can you spot the Airstream cues? He also looked to powerful character figures in his search for inspiration: Carroll Shelby, Steve McQueen, and Howard Hughes.
That sense of power is immediately obvious from a glimpse of the Caspi’s angular maw, which boasts impactful “FORD” lettering, dead-center. Pumped-up wheel arches find their way to both front and rear of the car, while the wagon’s backend sports a sleek, curved hatch and squared center exhaust.
Inside, the Ford Caspi features an elegant two-seat cabin, with trimmings you’d find on a space-age luxury yacht—or in an Apple Store. This is to say, very good. You could call it, “organic-meets-mechanical.” Wood covers the floor and what appears to be brushed aluminum adorns the seat backs and dashboard. The driver commands the Ford concept car using an aviation-inspired steering wheel and has access to a “floating” center console with a touchscreen inlayed.
While Sadikhov gives no mention to the powertrain he envisions underneath the hood, we wouldn’t mind imagining the 5.0-liter, 435 horsepower V8 from the 2015 Ford Mustang making an appearance.
                                                       Source: Yahoo Autos

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Dodge Hellcat X is an 800-HP Tribute to a WWII Legend

Long before the Hellcat moniker adorned the Dodge Challenger or Charger, it found itself attached to a plane, flying high over the Pacific Ocean. That aircraft was the storied Grumman F6F Hellcat, and it gave United States airmen in World War II a fighting edge against swift Japanese Zero fighters. 
While its fighting ability may be decades old by today’s standards, its legend is still very much alive, and today it forms the inspiration between this hulking muscle car brute–the sinisterly named Challenger Hellcat X.
It’s simply a beast. The Dodge retains its supercharged 6.2-liter Hemi V8 but now complements it with Hellion twin turbochargers to generate a massive 805 horsepower of grunt. And best of all, it’s free. The Hellcat X was created by the 2015 Dream Giveaway sweepstakes and will be awarded to one lucky grand prize winner.
The outrageous power figures don’t end there either. Whereas the standard Dodge Hellcats wallop 650 lb-ft of torque, the Challenger Hellcat X pushes that number to 800 lb-ft. Yikes. Dream Giveaway says it hasn’t tested its acceleration on track yet, but given the massive energy lying under that hood…it’s almost guaranteed to be fast. Its newly applied rear spoiler and sizable front splitter would suggest it is.
But if one muscle car giveaway weren’t enough, the organization will also throw in a 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T, which comes complete with a 440 cu. in. V8 and a pistol grip four-speed manual–all in the name of charity.
                                                                Source: Yahoo Autos

Ford Adds Higher-End Limited Trim to 2016 F-150

When it comes to buying pickup trucks, people vote what they want with their wallets. With the new Ford F-150, people are voting in large numbers for more features and luxuries. For 2016, they are taking the luxury trims one step further by adding the Limited trim. While we don’t have official pricing, it’ll be the most expensive, feature-packed, and luxurious F-150 ever.

So what makes a Limited a Limited? Mainly, standard features. If you take the 2015 F-150 Platinum we recently had in for review, there were still a decent number of options that you could add to the truck. The 2016 Limited will have many of those as standard features.

Additionally, the Limited model will have Ford’s Sync 3 infotainment system and Pro Trailer Backup Assist.

The new truck will have exclusive 22″ polished aluminum wheels, LIMITED raised lettering on the hood, satin chrome door handles, satin chrome badging on the tailgate, and more unique chrome accenting.

Inside, the Limited is separated from lesser F-150s by a laser-engraved VIN and production number on the center console. There’s also genuine fiddleback eucalyptus and aluminum interior accents throughout. Even though we thought the Platinum was a nice place to sit, it appears the Limited is going to take that to the next level.

According to Automotive News, so far this year 60% of F-150s sold have been Lariat, King Ranch, or Platinum trim levels. For those unaware, that’s the luxury trim levels. It makes sense for Ford to cater this and offer even more high-end options.
Pricing isn’t currently available, but Automotive News estimates it’ll start around $60,000 and top out at around $70,000.
                                                              Source: Ford-Trucks